Sunday, June 20, 2010

Farm Living

I've been up at my folk's place in Upstate New York. It's smack in the middle of a working farm. I've been eating fresh eggs, waiting for a new calf, watching the hay bales fly into the wagon and petting the kittens. Here's me picking some of those fresh Sammy Armer eggs out of the chicken coop!

Daddy is excited because his hops are flowering. They won't be ready for a while however. We've been experimenting trying to flavor a bland Redbridge beer with some Cascade hop pellets. By steeping them, the flavor is added to the beer. Unfortunately while the flavor is definitively there, the effervescence leaves. I'm stumped on how to replace it in a bottle. There is rumor that stirring in raw hops will cause green hop quick step, but I'm not sure I believe this. That may be my next experimentation is to stir in some of the raw hops and drink it right away before the effervescence has an opportunity to escape.

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