Thursday, September 23, 2010

Siena- Day 1

We arrived in the late afternoon and walked around town some. There is lots of shopping here, but only for those with large wallets. Mine isn't.

We had one day of cooking class and made the following: tomato and bread soup, bigi (hand rolled spaghetti, typical of this region), a spicy garlic tomato sauce, a stewed beef with a potato souffle and a rice pudding cake. I found all dishes to be delicious, although the rice cake wasn't really my thing. Some in the class said the pasta was the best they'd had on the trip, but we had a clam and mussel spaghetti the first night that was really spectacular. I'd rank that one and today's two.

Next class we'll be making an egg pasta, a pork roast and I'm not sure what else. I'm sure it will be dalliscious though!

Gotta sign off- there's a wine tasting in the lobby. Ciao!

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