Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Internship Contines

As part of my internship requirement with school, I have to send weekly updates to school. Since I seem unable to keep up with multiple communications, I'm posting my summaries to date here.

My guess is this is not that exciting as a reader. My classmate sometimes writes about all the drama that goes on in the restaurant's kitchen where she's working, particularly between the day and night shifts. One chef there disappeared for five days and reappeared with crutches after a staff member finally went to his house to see if he was alive. (Interestingly enough he still has a job there). The gossip in that kitchen is that a day shift person hooked up with a night shift person, but it didn't work out so they are snippy to each other now.

I guess where I work drama is more closely overseen because there doesn't seem to be much drama. The closest drama I've seen is a waitress who is repeatedly late to work. (Another waitress did call in sick today- ohhh!) One day the chronically late waitress' ex-boyfriend came in as a patron so he could talk to her. She ran in the back and cried but I didn't even notice and heard about it the next day. And I was there! Since the day and night shift staff is pretty much the same and that includes the two owners, there doesn't seem to be much tension. I have a feeling I like it better this way.

Anyway, here are my updates...

Week 1--
This week I worked with Chef Luna to prepare several items for his pasta night and worked the salad station during service.

For the pasta night, we par-cooked the pastas and risotto and prepared tomato sauce.

For the salad station, I made the dressings and reduced balsamic vinegar. I chiffonaded several cabbages and was provided a lesson on which part of the chef's knife to use for which cutting tasks. I also prepped and marinated antipasta items including vegetables, cheese and meat to be used.

Week 2--
I continued my work on the salad station this week making several different types of salads as ordered.

Additionally, I helped prep some regular menu items, such as the risotto cakes.

I made two types of pasta sauces for this week's pasta night, Bolognese and a mushroom sauce. Chef Luna discussed with me other uses for the sauces outside of pasta, such as the mushroom sauce under a steak or piece of fish. We also discussed how to make something vegetarian initially and easily add in later for a meaty version.

I made all the pastas this week solo in prep of pasta night. Chef Luna made me do this in several batches so I'd gain added experience. He also did this with the mushroom sauce.

New this week, I gained experience on the fryer with vegetables and fries. I did this as I ran the salad station.

Week 3--
I continued my weekly duties, making pastas and sauces and setting up all lines.

I developed several dishes for my Dallas Dinner on Apr 25. I will run the restaurant this night. I will have 2-3 dishes from Chef Luna's regular menu and 2-3 of my own dishes using the existing ingredients. From these I developed, I selected two and practiced those. One is a lemon ricotta pasta dish and the other a Cuban tapas dish.

I also had nightly wine tastings with Chef Luna's partner, Cynthia Tomet. Full details of which wines and their qualities are described in my notebook.

I also had to pitch in during a super busy service washing dishes, refilling line product, etc.

Week 4--
This week I worked Friday night which was a slightly faster pace. We also did a private party for 50 on Sunday for which I prepared several dishes, including caprese salads, antipasta plates, and vegetable dishes.

I developed some more items for my dinner and will use one as a vegetarian and gluten-free option for my existing menu, a quinoa salad, and worked on my planned seating arrangements.

New this week, I prepped the risotto cakes (as in made them not just molded them).

Week 5--
This week I continued prepping all dishes and working some on all stations including the main line.

On Sunday I also prepped items for my Monday night tapas dinner in which I ran the entire restaurant. (A school classmate was my server.) Chef Luna required I use three items from his menu and develop two items of my own using some of the ingredients already available in the restaurant. The menu was as follows:

Cabbage Salad: Gorgonzola Cheese Toasted Walnut Lemon Dressing
Lemon Ricotta Pesto Pasta
Cuban Sandwich Plate: Pork Ham Pickles Cheese Mustard
Curried Garbanzo Beans
Ropa Vieja: Pulled Beef, Roasted Peppers, Ricotta
Mushroom Quinoa Soup

I also prepped desserts, coffee flan, sweet potato whoopie pies and chocolate fudge meringue cookies. (Details of Monday will be on next week's summary.)

I found it challenging to determine how many guests to prep for, particularly since I wouldn't be re-using some of the ingredients. In places where re-use wasn't an issue it was less worrisome knowing any leftovers wouldn't be waste.

I also wanted to be conscious of vegetarian diners and those with allergies. As a result, the quinoa soup was not a posted menu item but made to substitute as a vegetarian, gluten-free and dairy-free item. I hadn't really planned on covering so many bases with one dish, but it worked out nicely that way.

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