Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Serving Class, Espresso Training

Today we learned how to make proper espresso (not expresso!!!!), beyond merely producing the proper crema, a thin layer of foam that is produced during the brewing process. There were specific guidelines on how quickly it should brew, how long it takes to brew, what's left in the cup afterwards, etc. Everyone got to practice making at least two cups.

If you do the math that means at a minimum there were two shots of espresso, which our instructor says is the equivalent of four Italian-sized shots, per student. As with the law of averages, some students drank less than the average and some more. This made for an interesting mix of personalities.

Also during the class we set up a new POS (point of sale) system for for the café, called Café Rouge. Our class is the largest in the history of the college, so we had more people than necessary to help unpack, plug in and program the new system. While some were diligently and productively assisting with the POS, the rest were left idle.

I'm not sure if it was the caffeine or the never before provided free time to chat, but this was a class of gossip.

"She sure did take to her new authority- nit picky!"

"How is she going to pass the practical? Basic knife skills are lacking."

"Oh yeah! The chef doesn't like him!"

"Did you see her just pat him on the butt?"

"Yeah! They have to be hookin' up! What a dog! He's getting ready
to be a baby mama with someone else's baby!"

Later in the class we got to see the menu we'll be serving on Thursday. It sounds tastier than the menu I ate last quarter as an invited student. It's a lot of food too, particularly for lunch. There's a soup, a salad, a choice of four different sandwiches, a choice of three sides, and a dessert. Plus unlimited (obviously to a point) espresso drinks. All that for $12, unless you are an invited guest of a culinary student. I'd eat there all the time if I worked near campus. That's a deal! I'd get fat though so I guess it's okay being the server.

I also found out I'll be entering a state competition for servers. I will soon start training. Should be interesting!

Gotta go! Time to read about braised meats!

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