Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quarter Down

Sorry, I've been absent.

The finals absorbed my time. I spent my weekend nights trying to test all the exam recipes and the days shopping for them. Sundays were clean up. Additionally, after dropping my chicken any comments I may have provided on the day's affairs would have seemed mundane.

I thought being on break between the quarters would be a good rest, but now I'm practicing for an Italian cooking competition. I believe I've learned there is no rest. Get used to it. I also need to prepare for a serving competition in a few weeks.

I learned of a summer position at one of the nation's more pretigious country clubs. We'll see how that progresses. I haven't yet interviewed. I arrived and the chef was out sick so I spoke with another chef there. I hope to return soon. The club is headed by one of Georgia's three Certified Master Chefs (just under 70 total in the US) and has a well-known pastry chef who just returned from filming Top Chef Desserts. All is hush-hush on her performance on the show.

I will be curious to see who shows up for classes next week. That's when we all learn who passed.

Look for updates on Baking I (of II) and American Regional Cuisine. This is my new curriculm. It should be a busy summer!

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