Thursday, April 8, 2010

A New Start...

We began the Spring Quarter in Baking by scrubbing all the sheet pans from black and brown to shiny and reflective. I wore a brand new chef coat that day unaware of the day's looming activities. I feel fairly certain I will not be able to wear it again to class without receiving points off for wearing a dirty jacket. I would have preferred to donate two or three new sheet pans. It would have cost me the same and been much less work.

My other class, American Regional Cuisine, sounds like it will be fun. However, we started the first two sessions with practicals, mother sauces. After the intensive three weeks of practicals I was less than enthusiastic for another one. I suppose this is to ensure your skills don't dissolve over the break.

We also received notification of our projects for the quarter. In baking there are two papers, one an analysis of five videos on baking that we are required to watch outside of class.

For American Regional, we have to research a region and write a paper on it as well as present a 20 minute lecture to the class and a menu developed for the region. I pulled Western. The guy next to me said, "do you want to switch?" He had New England which sounded much more interesting to me and more familiar. "Oh yeah!" Shortly thereafter, feeling smug that I'd managed to trade up, the instructor said "Ok, no switching regions. Who does everyone have?" Phew! I switched just in time. We all read aloud our assigned regions, "South... Floribbean... Western... New England... MidAtlantic..." etc. Then I realized I traded from a later presentation to the very first one the week after I return from a weekend beach trip. I turned to my fellow student, "Isn't New England the first presentation?" He confirmed. Dang! I'd been duped!

My luck (or stupidity) sometimes never ceases to amaze me.

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