Sunday, July 17, 2011

Unusual Food Items

This past week seemed to be about weird food items. Since these foods are organic, no one can claim the mutant results are chemically derived.

First, was a pair of conjoined (is it PC to say Siamese?) cherry tomatoes. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of them. I don't think the picture would have really done it justice however.

Next was a three-legged carrot that looked like a squid. It's hard to tell here, but it's actually pretty tiny- about 3 inches long total.

On the other end of the spectrum was a super long zucchini. I don't recall the variety. I'll ask at work and post an update. This photo again doesn't seem to do it justice. I look like a mountain climber or the yodeler from The Price is Right's Cliffhanger game. You tell me. (Yeah- really do. No one ever comments on these write ups. I need some feedback here readers!! No comments on the crappy photo quality however. You might hurt someone's feelings at work.)

By the way, for those curious... this is my workspace at Cakes & Ale. (Look closely Luna; my sippy cup/pacifier is back there! I dropped my backup however and it shattered. I'll have to replace it.) Soon we're moving to a fancy new spot, on Decatur Square. I'll have to post a new pic once we move.

Work is progressing well. My timing I believe has improved, but I apparently sometimes get 'sassy'. I'll definitively have to work on that!

I also seem to occasionally run out of items mid-service, which is NOT good. It's difficult for me to assess the popularity of items which don't sell one night and are highly popular the next night, all without over prepping and wasting food. It's a delicate balance, this job!

I did get kudos on my gaspacho. Two influential guests both commented to Chef about their delicious soup which filtered back to me, the soup maker. Yeah!! Positive praise is nice!

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