Thursday, January 14, 2010

Knife Skills Day Ouch

No, I didn't cut myself. I'm still cut free, but a cut would have been better than forgetting my entire knife kit. That's major points off my grade for the day!

The last few days I've been completely absented minded so I'm not surprised I forgot my knives. The day before I forgot my name tag to serving class; that's points off for the day. The evening before I left my laptop power cord at work. I had to quickly put together a strategy document within my battery's one hour time frame. Then I realized I had to type up some recipes for class and had about 15 minutes of time remaining on the battery. I got through four of the five recipes and the screen went black. Luckily, I planned ahead and worked on my flash drive. I inserted it into my husband's computer and finished and printed my assignment. You'd think that would have been a warning then to get my head better into the game of school. Instead, out the door I went the next morning doing my mental checklist of class books, computer, snack, proper uniform and hot tea for the car ride--- no knives. Now I'll have to store them in my car, something not advisable in the neighborhood in which I live.

After approaching the chef with my tail between my legs, "Chef, I don't have my knives," he basically told me to make do, borrow, etc. (I wonder now if I should have even told him or waited to see if he busted me.) The lack of knives actually wasn't a huge inconvenience, more an embarrassment. I continued to work on my tournés, noting that I am improving, although the guy in front of me had tournés that really looked good, not perfect but good. Show off!! Bwoop! (He didn't really show off. I peered over slyly looking, but I have to add some drama here. Also I'm pretty sure he reads these blogs.)

The disappointment came when the chef told me my, I thought decent, tournés were a "C" level. Dang! I was hoping for a B- at least. Agreed they were no A. I will have to continue working on them.

The other in-class task for the day was to make white, blond, brown and dark roux. All came out nicely. I tried to take a picture to post here, but instead pushed the power button and not the shutter button. I noted chef saw me do this so I decided to slink away quietly. He must think I'm a complete ding-dong.

Next week will be better, especially since there is only one class because of the holiday.

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