Thursday, January 7, 2010

Knife Skills Day Two

We all practiced our knife skills making all 17 of our required cuts. I proceeded at a decent pace, but I'm not sure if I'd yet meet the time requirement of the test. Some classmates were struggling, nearly all of us with the tourne.

Overall, I was told my cuts were pretty good. An "Excellent!" would have been better. I'll have to work on that this weekend. Luckily, I can use my neighbor's commercial kitchen down the street some so I won't be trapped standing inside at my own place all day. No injuries to date.

Here's a full list of the required cuts.

1. Chop
2. Mince
3. Chiffonade
4. Julienne
5. Batonnet
6. Frite
7. Brunoise
8. Small Dice
9. Medium Dice
10. Large Dice
11. Tourne
12. Paysanne & Fermiere
13. Lozenge
14. Rondelle
15. Bias
16. Concasse
17. Oblique

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